OMAX Token will make its exclusive launch on November 3rd on Binance smart chain. Their cat-alog of dApps will revolutionize the cryptocurrency space, encourage newcomers to the crypto market, and set new standards for integrity and trust within the space.
London, United Kingdom, Oct. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Technology is transforming the world bit by bit. Companies no longer prefer cash, and this trend is succumbing to contactless payments via cryptocurrency platforms. Now, a new payment meth-od is gathering steam: cryptocurrency. People are hopping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon and looking for a safe crypto-platform where they can invest without hassle.
OMAX Token is an innovative finance company centered around cryptocurrency payment pro-cessing. They aim to become the future point-of-sale cryptocurrency by integrating their Block-chain with popular e-commerce checkout and payment systems.
The OMAX Token will be a utility token initially operating on the Binance Smart Chain. Recently, the company has released an announcement to launch it on November 3rd. Af-terward, they will plan to launch their own native token based on Blockchain in a year.
OMAX Token will be upgraded and adopted as a native coin to OMAX Blockchain upon de-velopment. Investing in OMAX Token during these early stages will establish the investment of their holders as a genuine early adopter to the OMAX Blockchain.
OMAX Token is a Community-driven DeFi Token. Three functions occur with every trade. 1. Burn – a percentage of all buy/sell taxes will decrease the total supply. 2. Liquidity – a percent-age of all buy/sell taxes will go towards the OMAX liquidity pool. And lastly 3. Reflection – a percentage of all buy/sell taxes will go directly to holders of OMAX Token. The balance will in-crease by simply holding, and revenue will keep on growing.
The company brings its exclusive features to its valuable investors, such as the Omax P2P mar-ketplace: It will act as a hub where users can buy, sell, and trade everyday items using cryptocur-rency. OMAX Token will be the primary currency. However, in Omax's point of sale, by integrat-ing their Blockchain into popular e-commerce and shopping cart platforms, they aim to grant us-ers the ability to efficiently complete their everyday purchases using their cryptocurrency balanc-es.
Furthermore, Omax swap will be helpful for users in swapping or exchanging among their crypto assets. For purposes of growth, this will initially be specific to BSC. Upon launch of the OMAX Blockchain, OMAX Swap will bridge all known blockchains into its protocol powered and be powered by OMAX Token.
Last but not least, Omax Vault will be a platform with Staking, Time-Locking, and Lending abilities. This will be BSC exclusive during their infancy - but the future OMAX Vault will be powered by the OMAX Blockchain and will support modern tokenomics like reflection rewards.
Their mission is to provide a safe and secure crypto - the platform of decentralized Application tools that educate and empower investors with control and confidence over their DeFi invest-ments.
The crew members of Omax Token are also avid donators. Their mission is to donate 1% of the total supply to any charity of @cz_binance wish on the November 3rd launching occasion. Omax to $1 is their target to achieve, and they are thriving hard to make it successful.
About Omax token: They are a group of skilled developers, marketers, and influencers from all corners of the globe. They have the knowledge, drive, and aptitude to scale this project to the moon and beyond. Acknowledge more on Telegram.
OMAX is set to change the narratives of the e-commerce industry by integrating it with the cryp-to world. Interested users must act fast, join now and make a fortune out of Omax token.
CONTACT: Name: Tony Email: Organization: Omax token