For the last months I was trying to make the best use of my camera to show the Golem Project’s road to its successful deployment onto the Ethereum’s mainnet. Now that Golem has reached its goal, I would like to use my tools and expertise to show how blockchain can help the world become a better place. And I would really like to invite you to participate in this journey.
Telling the Golem Story as the company’s CCO was one of the most challenging and fascinating professional experiences of my life. I am proud to see the project evolving and completing huge milestones. Golem’s communications and external relations have been passed onto the best hands possible, and following this I am engaging in a project which, on one hand reflects my journalistic and film background, and on the other — uses the experience obtained in the cryptospace.
A documentary about technology told by people for the people
In the coming months, my film crew and I will be devoted to the production of one of the first documentaries on the social impact of decentralized technologies.
Our film holds a working title “Decent — How Blockchain Can Change the World” and we already made the first shooting in Puerto Rico. We wanted to dig deeper into the true meaning of this intriguing hook and see how it affects the island devastated by last year’s hurricane Maria.
We are certain this place is like a laboratory test drop through which one can see all the hopes and fears associated with the development of blockchain and the influx of newcomers from this industry into the Island.
We talked to people on both sides of the spectrum: from those that have total confidence in the influx of crypto-millionaires on their land, believing that their knowledge about the technology and their obvious wealth will help rebuilding Puerto Rico; to those who perceive it as a clear manifestation of so called “cryptocolonialism” — another catchy phrase which seems to divide the crypto-space.
We also went further and spoke to people who would rather deliberate on how to create a token to help their devastated city flourish again, how to use blockchain to decentralize power supply (after more than a half a year after the cataclysm vast parts of the island still doesn’t have electricity) or fight corruption which we were told is a plague there.
This precisely embodies how we want to make this movie about technology — through people, about people and their ordinary lives, problems and even their subsequent discussions. We want to show people’s needs and present blockchain projects that are trying to meet them.

A journey that grasps the coming change
In the near future, we are incorporating other use cases and scenarios on which blockchain technology is helping out. We are going to talk to a project which cooperates with UN’s World Food Program on implementing blockchain to help refugees in the camps.
Consequently, wee will also go to these camps to record the very people who need such help and check how it’s delivered and received.
If there is a project claiming it knows how to use this technology to implement new ways of voting, then we will try to confront their idea wherever there are people waiting for more transparency in democratic systems.
We believe that watching and listening to people there will not only help to reveal the true potential of blockchain but also to bring the knowledge about this technology to the wider audience.
To achieve this, we will need your support!
Become a member of the “Decent” community
You can be a part of this doc. By visiting doc’s website and donating your ETH, BTC, USD or whatever resources you wish, to Refugium Foundation, a non-for-profit organization created specifically to produce the “Decent” documentary and — after the film’s premiere — to trigger a discussion about ideas described in the movie during a special conference. As part of the “Decent” documentary community you will be regularly updated with our plans and achievements on the course of the film production.
By choosing your preferred sponsorship tier, you can receive a ticket for a première which will also enable you to take part in the conference. There’s even a chance you could be listed in the end credits of the movie. Not to mention receiving our original “Decent Documentary” t-shirts and pins, of course. No matter whether it is the movie theatre, the conference venue or the credits — we already know you will find yourself in cool companionship.
We are still far from reaching the level of our crowdfunding that will enable us to finish this doc. Every fraction of ETH or BTC (hopefully, much more than a fraction) counts!
Please visit our website, follow us on Twitter or Instagram and other channels, support and let’s make this Decent Documentary together!
– Marek Osiecimski, the Director of Decent Documentary