When it comes to developing technologies, gaming is often at the forefront, which is why it would make sense for gaming to have an interest in engaging with blockchain.
Given the potential for gaming to engage with the technology, this article aims to investigate how blockchain technology might impact the online gaming landscape.
Enhanced Security and Fair Play
Security is one of the most important issues for digital gaming and something that online gaming as a whole will always have a strong vested interest in – given the relative risk that the platform of online gaming poses to the players.
After all, it is incredibly important that any and all games you engage with online have a high standard of security, not only to ensure the safety of your personal information but also to prevent hackers from subverting the game’s fairness and gaining an undue advantage over their fellow players.
High level security for online gaming exists in the form of strong encryption and security practices from companies such as sites for online casino games. Only using sites like this one, which is fully certified and emphasizes safe practices for customers, can bring some protection to players. However, the encryption of blockchain is far stronger than almost any other form of data protection available, making it a massive potential upgrade to the power of protection available to modern games.
Ownership of In-Game Assets
Another less impactful change that blockchain is already bringing to games is the ability to own the assets you are using. This is an expansion of the idea of NFTs combined with video game cosmetic items to create “outfits” or “styles” in-game that you can literally own and sell as you like.
The appeal of a cosmetic item that only you own certainly appeals to some, which means this application of blockchain into gaming may be here to stay. However, it has received quite a bit of pushback too.
Decentralized Gaming Platforms
One of the biggest strengths of blockchain technology is that it allows for the decentralization of information storage. This could be a massive benefit to the gaming industry if it could be applied to the storage of information for multiplayer online gaming. It could conceivably reduce the demand for ever-increasing server size and capability for new online games.
Blockchain tech could make these games less expensive to maintain while potentially making them more responsive for users. A win-win situation, to be sure.
Play-to-Earn Mechanisms
Whether or not it’s a plan, blockchain has the potential to provide a shift toward play-to-earn gaming mechanics where players can play games to mine their own cryptocurrency and earn money through online gaming.
There is plenty to be said about the issues with grinding in contemporary gaming and its impact on the way people play games. However, you might feel differently about that if you could literally earn money from playing online games and putting in that same level of grinding. Blockchain and cryptocurrency were largely pioneered together, so it wouldn’t be the largest leap to think that their integration into gaming could be a mutual step as well.
Of course, this would be intentional cooperation between the cryptocurrency business and the gaming industry, which means it isn’t so much a guarantee as a possibility – and smaller applications of this right now will likely decide whether or not it moves up the chain. Either way, you’ll have to wait and see whether or not that is the way that the wind ends up blowing for blockchain and gaming.