DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Grid Batteries: Valuation, Design, Procurement, and Operations" conference has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

All things batteries will be taught in the context of valuation, design, procurement, and operations with an instructor who is recognized as a leading world expert and practitioner with many years of experience with batteries. The advantage of this course is that you receive in one sitting a comprehensive and detailed set of insights of the latest on Grid Batteries with perspectives on markets, regulatory, policy, suppliers, use cases, valuation, design, procurement, operations, and advances in software.
What You Will Learn
- What You Will Learn About Grid Batteries
- Grid Battery Market Revenue Calculations: ERCOT, PJM, ISO-NE, NYISO, CAISO, IESO, AESO, SPP, MISO
- PPA pricing of renewables plus grid batteries
- Policy case studies with Energy Storage CA, MA, NY, and others
- Review of all major battery projects and use cases in current operation
- Regulatory metrics for cost and benefit analysis for storage
- Case studies of answering the questions of why?, when?, where?, and how much batteries?
- Review of innovative ownership models and how to price them
- Stylized facts of auctions for procurement of batteries
- Learn the good, the bad, and the ugly of battery vendors
- Insights into the good, the bad, and the ugly for inverters
- Battery technology review
- Basic and advanced techniques for valuation of batteries
- Representing batteries in the planning processes for transmission, distribution and integrated resource plans
- Design considerations for battery projects such as augmentation
- Operational issues with batteries
- Existing and evolving use cases for batteries
- Addressable stacked services
- Revenue Calculations (energy arbitrage, ancillary services, frequency response, others)
- Cost Calculations (capital Costs, EPC, FOM, VOM, losses, connection cost, others)
- Dispatch strategies in competitive markets for co-optimization of energy and ancillary services
- Insights to battery simulations and computations for cycling
- Detailed economic models of revenue and benefit valuations of batteries
- Detailed financial models for batteries including NPV, IRR, payback, gearing, and others.
- Methods for nodal battery valuation analysis in competitive markets
- Procurement concerns and strategy
- Battery testing standards as part of the commissioning of battery projects
- Advance battery controls and automation
- Battery End of Life Costs
- Advanced Software Case Studies
- Artificial Intelligence Applications for Dispatch of Grid Batteries
- BlockChain Performance Management of Grid Batteries
- Learning Techniques
- Online Presentation slides
- Handouts
- Analytics Software exercises with value, design, buy and operate exercises
- Interactive group discussions
- Case Studies
Seminar Information
The seminar will start promptly at 8:00 AM and will finish at 4:00 PM on the first day. On Day 2 the seminar will begin at 8:00 AM and end at 12:00 PM. The program includes continental breakfast, lunch on the first day and coffee breaks. On the second day, it includes a continental breakfast and coffee breaks. Attendees also receive a professionally produced seminar manual that can serve as a valuable office reference. Dress is casual for all seminars.
- Policy and Regulatory: trends, cost and benefit metrics, policy approaches
- Valuation: use cases, methods, approaches, techniques, algorithms
- Design: cycling, cooling, standards, engineering, connection analysis
- Procurement: strategy, documents, vendors, EPC
- Operations: outages, dispatch, losses, testing, automation
Policy and Regulatory
- Case studies of NY, MA, CA, and others
- Policy Approach's and Mechanisms
- Regulatory benefit-cost metrics
Battery Technologies
- Overview of battery technologies
- Current trends in battery research
- The good, the bad, and the ugly of battery vendors
- Power batteries and Energy Batteries, LFP, Conventional Lithium-Ion, Flow Batteries, others
- Battery characteristics and costs
- Strategy working with battery vendors
Use Cases
- Energy Arbitrage, Spinning Reserve, Non-Sync Spinning Reserve, Regulation, Operating Reserve, Renewables Integration, EV Charging, Frequency Response, Black Start, Others
Planning Processes and Integrated Resource Plans
- Case studies of answering questions of the why, where, when, how much
- Incorporation of Batteries in Transmission Planning, Distribution Planning, and IRPs
- Alternative Analysis Capacity Investment Analysis with BESS
- Production cost hourly and sub-hourly for BESS dispatch
- Stacked Services Emulator for temporal and simultaneous use cases
System Benefits Metrics with BESS
- Capacity deferral, fuel savings, VO&M savings, FO&M Savings, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Reserve Savings, Frequency Response, Black Start, T&D deferral, Cost to Load savings
- Outages, losses, fade, Operations and Maintenance Costs
Competitive Market Analysis
- Calculating revenue in day-ahead schedule
- Calculating revenue in real-time schedule
- Calculating frequency response and ancillary services revenues
- Valuation of Capacity Value
Cost Analysis
- Efficiency, Cycles per day and cycles per year, losses, fade, augmentation, energy costs, capital costs, EPC costs, FOM, VOM, Battery End of Life Costs, others
Financial Analysis
- BESS NPV analysis, DCF, WACC, Gearing, Sensitivities, Others
DAY 2:
Analytical Concepts and Theory Overview for BESS Valuation
- Alternative Analysis of answering the Why, Where, When and How Much questions
- Production Cost for dispatch and analysis of batteries
- Stacked Services Emulator for co-optimization valuation of batteries in competitive markets
Big Data Analytics
- Approaches to scanning for battery value across 1000's of nodes
- Data mining algorithms
- Parallelization of battery analytics algorithms
- Cloud Computing
- Cooling, connection analysis, cycling, augmentation, balance of plant, standards, communication systems, software, testing
Hybrid Systems
- Assessment Techniques of Pairing Lithium-Ion and Flow Batteries
- Assessment Techniques of Pairing Batteries and Thermal Plant
- Assessment Techniques of Pairing Batteries and Renewables
PPA Pricing
- Calculating PPA pricing for renewables plus batteries
- Strategy, warrantees, EPC, origination documents, connection agreements
Battery Auctions
- Bid strategy, auctions results, supply and demand, competitive differences
Case Studies:
- Artificial Intelligence applications for battery dispatch
- BlockChain Performance Management for Batteries
Randell Johnson Ph.D., P.E.
Dr. Randell Johnson, P.E. has led a global career in the power and energy sectors in M&A for private equity, power, and energy trading quantitative support, planning and strategy for large utilities, and was with a major international consultancy where Randell has a background in electricity markets, regulatory, public policy, and power engineering. Randell has provided leadership and management for teams for: generation and transmission interconnection analysis, expansion and capacity planning, integration of renewables and public policy, and market simulation and investment valuations. He has expertise and experience in the parameterization and application of market simulation tools for advising of planning authorities, utilities, generators, equipment manufacturers, government departments, investment banks, traders, and industrial developers. Qualifications are in Quantitative Finance (MSc) (Cass Business School), Gas and Electric Utility Corporate Finance (UConn School of Business), and Electric Power Engineering (PhD, MEng) (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
For more information about this conference visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/fxea8m
Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager
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