Lancor Scientific has launched its global cancer registry, by integrating its blockchain platform onto an early detection cancer screening device.
The device has been developed to provide a more cost-effective, faster, securer and accurate cancer screening solution than current cervical Pap smear systems and will add more types of cancer it can screen for in 2019. It is an optimum solution to fast-track healthcare technologies in developing countries, helping to screen for a range of cancers at their earliest stages.
The blockchain will validate the screening devices, unlock the patient record, write the results to the registry, take payment for the cancer tests and provide real-time screening results. Lancor Scientific will store the results using a combination of on- and off-chain ledgers in patient-owned secure profiles.
Lancor Scientific’s Medici Token allows holders to purchase cancer screening tests at any clinic using the Lancor Blockchain Platform (LBP). It has been validated to work alongside partner Tumour Trace’s early cancer detection OMIS (Opto-magnetic Imaging Spectroscopy) device. It also addresses data security and fragmented records in healthcare, which can ultimately save lives.
The Lancor Blockchain Platform and Tumour Trace partnership is the product of 14 years of development and $5m investment. The Tumour Trace OMIS device was invented by Professor Djuro Koruga, Tumour Trace’s Chief Scientific Officer, and emanates from his research at the University of Belgrade.
It is the first device to use light to detect the state of electromagnetism in tissue. When tissue becomes cancerous, the magnetic profile of cells changes. Healthy tissue demonstrates a diamagnetic profile, whereas malignant tissue demonstrates a paramagnetic profile.
The OMIS device takes advantage of the photoelectric effect in quantum physics. When light is shone onto tissue, the magnetic component of the reflected light from the tissue can determine how malignant it is. This also means that the device does not subject the patient to potentially dangerous ultraviolet, X-ray or microwave radiation.
The patented technology is validated and CE marked for cervical cancer, following a number of clinical trials with partners, including the NHS, totalling approximately 2,000 people. It currently runs at 90% accuracy, compared to the 60% accuracy that Pap screening offers. With the use of AI removing biological noise from samples, trials are aiming to push for 97% accuracy. Costs can also be dramatically decreased. Pap and HPV cost £30-40, whereas a cervical cancer screening using OMIS costs between £5-10, approximately.
Lancor Scientific is currently aiming to validate the OMIS device to screen for a range of cancers in the future.
Aamir Butt, CEO of Lancor Scientific, has commented: “Lancor Scientific has dedicated itself to making effective cancer screening available to everyone, everywhere. Our technology will help people to be screened earlier than ever before, so that they can receive necessary treatment, even before symptoms occur. Blockchain technology will provide a secure infrastructure to roll-out the device and Lancor Scientific platform. The fight against cancer is an uphill battle for everyone connected, so we hope that our solution can help people in the countries that need it the most. We are delighted to see continued progress towards this ultimate goal.”

Lancor Scientific’s advisory board features several renowned professors including, Prof. Adenike Grange, Ex-Health Minister of Nigeria, who has consulted to the Federal Ministry of Health, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and USAID; Professor Dr. A Min Tjoa, a UN advisor and a full professor and director of the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology since 1994; and Dr.Khalil Razvi, a Clinical Director for the NHS.
About Lancor Scientific:
Lancor Scientific is a London-based medtech company which has created a blockchain-based global cancer registry to address issues of data security and fragmented records in healthcare.
The platform works with an early detection cancer screening device created by Tumour Trace. The patented Tumour Trace device uses OMIS (Opto-magnetic Imaging Spectroscopy) to detect the change in electromagnetism of tissue.
Lancor Scientific is aiming to raise $20m through its ICO, which is currently open to seed token purchasers. This will allow Lancor Scientific to further validate both the blockchain registry and the Tumour Trace OMIS device.
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